What am I doing here? And at this hour? I´ve always been more a lark than an owl. And this faint evening light, dark because the heavy clouds get closer announcing dusk and night.
But I had to train before the race. I need to ride Scotty for her to have confidence in me. Bad weather has inmobilized me for too long. Cold and wet mornings have cut my training chain and now look at me, a week before Sto. Domingo´s race, with glummy thighs and weak spirit.
So, I must take the most of the slightest time with no rain. C´mon! Don´t be stupid! You don´t like mountain evenings. Yes, they make you feel sad, even with clear skies. But look at the calendar, you must go out now. Stop whining. No more. Don´t make a scene, Just get on Scotty. She wishes you, she needs some action. And you too.
And this is the reason why I am here, among these dark trees, and under this greyish sky. Alone. completely alone. No movements. No noises. Just the wood, Scotty, and me.
It´s true I prefer clear dawns. But guess what! I have enjoyed so much this solitude experience. Everybody has stayed at home because of the weather, and they have given me away this outstanding present.: this kind loneliness. The echoes of me groaning in pain, wanting to stop in the middle of the "silent slope", crying out my suffering.
I don´t feel at all this time as wasted time. You are riding while talking to yourself from time to time, Thinking deeply of things you wouldn´t otherwise, otherwhere, otherhow. It comes to me clear the tune fronm JUST A NORMAL DAY. Its dialogue. So from Seneca.
RD- Woke up cryin' with the break of dawn, and,
I looked up and the sky,
The air was still, yet all the leaves were falling,
Can you tell me why?
RH- Well, I just don't know the reason,
I don't know what to say,
it just seems a normal day,
and, I've got to live my own life,
I just can't spare the time,
But, you've got strange things on your mind
RD- Well, I just feel ,that every minute's wasted,
My life is unreal,
And anyway, I guess, I'm just not rated,
At least twice, that's how I feel
RH- Well, I just don't know the reason,
I don't know what to say;
It just seems a normal day
And, I've got to live my own life,
I just can't spare the time;
But, you've got strange things on your mind.
RD- Eat a lot, sleep a lot,
Passing the time away,
Maybe I'll find my way,
Who am I kidding?
Yes, it's just myself.
I could listen to this so underrated Supertramp´s song for hours.
I am ready. But not enough to do the long way. Although, who knows it...
Once more, my dear and classical appointments